Diplomatic World Institute is a sister organization of the Diplomatic World Group (Magazine). The Institute acts as an interface between industries, societies and administrations by creating sustainable partnerships and forums with specific focus on hot-topic global issues such as the development of Africa, creating cultural conditions conducive to understanding, innovation or global transition. The creation and maintaining of a special economic zone with strong free trade and direct investment connections, is of prime concern to the institute. All actions of the Institute have the ultimate goal making an active contribution to protecting worldwide peace and prosperity. The global exchange of cultural and economic goods prevents armed conflicts and increases personal and social wealth. Therefore, the Diplomatic World Institute - among others - acts in close cooperation with FEMOZA - The World Free & Special Economic Zones Federation.

Diplomatic World Magazine
Approaches to a Planet in Transition
Welcome to the CAMPUS
Welcome to the virtual campus of the Diplomatic World Institute, a vivid place of experiment and innovation. Let us be your guide to the future, in a time of unprecedented change with a wave building up never seen before in the history of mankind.
"When the Roman Empire disappeared, in Europe it was replaced for centuries by the Middle Ages, also referred to as the "Dark Ages". It cannot be ruled out that we soon will have a similar global period."
About the Author: Dieter Brockmeyer is an international media industry and innovation expert, author, keynote speaker and moderator. He is the cofounder and innovation expert of the Diplomatic World Institute, DWI, co-host and executive producer of the DWI video podcast "Today & Tomorrow" and developer of the institute's Wholistic World Innovation Trophy, annually awarded in Barcelona since 2021.
Book Pandemia's Box
Wholistic Innovation
Covid-19 changed the way we live dramatically - and it accelerates the speed of change. This provides new risk but also new opportunities. We need to innovate not only in a technical sense but in every part of our lives, societies, the economy. It has an impact on our culture, finance, and health systems. This provides the chance to tackle the planet's burning problems and to come up with solutions faster and more sustainably as it would be in "normal" times. We need a wholistic approach to handle all this. This book gives an idea of what "wholistic innovation" can be. Since everything is connected it will be necessary to include the full picture from the beginning to avoid that what is a positive outcome in a local context will unfold much bigger negative effects in more distant sectors. The book tries not to provide a ready-made set of tools to improve our planet. The goal is to initiate a debate and a spark to inflame a process that in the end will provide these tools.
The author takes a close look at the problems we are faced with in all relevant sectors, discusses the impact of Covid-19, and hints at possible solutions. The book provides many facts for each sector and the links opening the space for additional individual research.
This book is the first volume of the Diplomatic World Institute's book series that will continue to pick up and discuss burning global issues.
Dieter Brockmeyer is one of the founders of the Diplomatic World Institute in Brussels and heads "Innovation & TIME (Technology, Internet, Media & Entertainment)". Dieter is a seasoned innovation expert. He started his career in the early 1990th as an internationally acknowledged expert journalist within the global TV and telecommunications industry where he had early contact with the internet and the rapid technological advancement it initiated. Dieter also is the curator of international industry events dealing with innovation and is invited regularly to speak and host panels at many international industry conferences.
Voices for this book:
"Wow, what a challenge! Dieter has the absolutely convincing approach."Prof. Dr. Jo Groebel, Director Deutsches Digital Institut, Berlin.
"This is a completely new way to approach these issues." Prof. Dr. Vincenco Ligorio, Vice Rector for International Relations, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow.